Bachelor Project HKU | Critical Design
Cameras and other technological products make for a better and safer living environment than ever before. Mega databanks and high-resolution cameras in the streets stock hundreds of exabytes a year. But who has access to this data? It is possible that it could have commercial use, hence not only retail companies but also the advertisement industry could be very interested in this data in the coming future. They would hope to gain these personal data and information as much as they can. In the future, the advertisement could call your name when you walk along the streets. The companies would know your interests and may set different retail strategies for you. It could be convenient for customers, but personal thoughts and opinions should be kept private.
Concept by Jing-cai Liu
Wearable face projector– A small beamer projects a different appearance on your face, giving you a completely new appearance. This product protects you from privacy violations.
Milan design week 2017
Design Gallery Utrecht 2017
DDW, Robot Love 2018
Bring Your Own Beamer Ghent 2019
Muestra Colectiva, AWA Cultura 2020